This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:

Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)

…or something like this:

The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.

As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!

Security Radar

Radar is an object-detection system that uses radio waves to determine the range, altitude, direction, or speed of objects. Radar security systems can be used to detect aircraft, Drones, ships, motor vehicles, people and animals and differentiate between them.

Radar Security Systems

The radar dish or antenna transmits pulses of radio waves or microwaves that bounce off any object in their path. The object returns a tiny part of the wave’s energy to the dish or antenna that is usually located at the same site as the transmitter.

Various radar options are available depending upon detection range and required classification and all will work on land or over water. The detection range of the radar makes it a cost-effective solution for protecting large areas without the need for too many cameras or other detection devices.

Radar Systems

What is S-Band radar?

Radio waves produced by S-Band radars are not easily attenuated, this gives them greater penetrating power and they are used for “near and far observations and based on the new beamforming technology with (permeant stare ) is far more accurate over distance with no deflection or interference if mounted at the correct heights and have the ability to classify targets at Distances up to 15KM

OWL – Observation Without Limits

What is X Band radar?

X Band, because of its higher frequency, 10 GHz provides a higher resolution and a crisper image then majority of other radar frequencies however Because of the smaller wavelength, the X Band radar is more sensitive and cannot penetrate foliage or another land-based interference fencing etc and based on this prone to false alarm by weather conditions etc. Over a short distance, it is a recommended well-priced solution Distance up to 500meters recommended

MAGOS /Blighter

What is Thermal Radar?

Thermal Imaging Radar is a 360-degree camera solution combining a high-performance thermal camera with an intelligent geospatial platform that provides for a state-of-the-art observation and detection solution.

thermal radar technology allows one thermal sensor to do the work of up to 20 separate thermal cameras. Using less than 6 W of power, the Thermal Radar was designed to be used in rugged and remote areas as well as high traffic urban settings. It can operate where electronic resources are limited through solar and battery operated power sources as well as Wi-Fi, GSM, CDMA, and satellite communications systems. Thermal Radar becomes the ideal observation and detection solution for critical infrastructure locations and for organisations wishing to protect their interests wherever those interests may be located.

This technology brings together the best of both environments however is prone to weather interference and false alarms through analytics based o this SR recommends this for open area and shorter distance detection specifically at remote sites

Thermal Radar utilizes a best in class rotating FLIR Tau2 thermal sensor and applies edge-based analytic detection algorithms to detect, classify and Geo-Spatially locate any incursion that may threaten your perimeter.  Thermal Radar detection alerts generate not only a GPS coordinate of the intruder’s specific location but also a thermal image of the intrusion.  By providing accurate GPS coordinates upon detection, Thermal Radar provides many of the same net results of a traditional radar while remaining a completely passive and undetectable intrusion system.  Thermal Radar can be a standalone detection outpost on an expansive border project or the centerpiece of an integrated physical security strategy at your most critical facilities.

What is Specialist surveillance?

SWIR security camera

Short wave infrared (SWIR) cameras offer considerable benefits where atmospheric conditions such as rain, fog, and mist are common. These conditions typically blind visible cameras. InGaAs SWIR technology is capable of seeing through all but the most severe conditions to provide highly accurate images. SWIR cameras also provide exceptional low light performance, essentially providing high-quality images in all but total blackout conditions.

Standard Vs  SWIR security camera

Thermal Imaging camera options

Thermal sensors and cameras create video images from infrared (heat) waves.

Infrared is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths that are longer than visible light. Infrared is typically divided into near, mid, long and extreme and is measured in units known as microns or nanometers. Thermal technology detects infrared energy in the mid-wave infrared (MWIR) spectrum at 3-5 microns or long-wave infrared (LWIR) at 8-12 microns. Day or night, in any environment, every person, object and structure emits infrared waves.

The warmer an object, the more energy it emits. Infrared energy emitted by a viewed scene is focused through the specialized objective lens assembly of an infrared camera on to the camera’s focal plane array (FPA). The FPA uses materials that respond by generating electrical impulses when infrared energy strikes it. These electrical impulses are then sent in the form of temperature values to an image signal processor that turns them into video data for presentation on a display.

Thermal technology provides clear, high-resolution images through smoke, haze, dust, light fog or even on the darkest night, so it often is the perfect choice for 24-hour surveillance. For example, thermal cameras can pick out vehicles that have been driven recently and still have warm engines or ground that has recently been disturbed by footprints or by burying hidden objects.

Uncooled thermal imagers use detectors that are either stabilised to temperatures between -30°C to +30°C or are not stabilised at all.

Benefits of uncooled thermal:

  • Low maintenance 
  • Lower costs
  • Reliable

Two types of thermal technology are available, each with its own advantages.

For some applications, especially for long range detection, it is advisable to use “cooled” sensors. These sensors utilise a highly efficient cryogenic cooler that enables the detector to sense smaller differences in infrared emissions. Cooled technology can often capture images at a greater distance, produce a higher-resolution image and operate with smaller optics.

Cooled thermal imagers use detectors that are cooled to temperatures of 77 degrees Kelvin (roughly -200°C) or lower.

Benefits of cooled thermal:

  • Very sensitive to temperature change
  • High sensitivity = longer range

Read more about Thermal Cameras